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Known as "the all purpose stone", Amethyst is a protective stone that helps to relieve stress and anxiety in your life, and the symptoms that accompany it, namely headaches, fatigues, and anxiety. It may also aids in cell regeneration (supporting your bones and joints) and is reputed to improve your skin.

Amazonite is associated with money, luck and overall success. It's known as the "gambler's stone," encouraging good luck and fortune. Amazonite is also said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system.

Bumblebee Jasper:
Bumblebee Jasper is a great life talisman that is here to help keep you “buzzing” throughout your day, even when negative energies constantly come your way. This stone helps you maintain a positive and upbeat attitude through the daily stresses of life, while encouraging you to continue your own spiritual evolution.

Citrine is associated with positivity and optimism, which is not surprising given its cheerful color. It's often used to assist in manifesting financial abundance and opportunities. It can also be used to awaken the solar plexus chakra, helping to cultivate confidence and personal power.

Coming from the Latin word Caelestis which means Celestial, it's no surprise to hear that this shimmering crystal is soaked in rich mystical properties. Celestite is all about inner peace, quiet space, and elevating the spirit. It's a stone that whispers of deep connection with other realms.

Carnelian stones are believed to be great for balancing body energy levels, increasing coordination during physical exercise regimes and as training aids. This special gem can also help to stimulate sexual energy and boost fertility.

Fire Quartz: 
Fire Quartz is Clear Quartz with Hematite in, it is a gemstone that amplifies our energy, intentions, and intuitive abilities. It can also help us remain clear and focused while we perform meditation and energy work. It helps create strong, specific intentions and amplifies our abilities to manifest them into reality.  

Golden Healer: 
Golden Healer Quartz connects us to the Universal Life Force, or Divine Spirit, and is considered one of the master healers. Golden Healer Quartz is a high-vibration crystal, just like gold, so it will raise your vibrations, amplify your intentions, and release any blockages that are present in your body and in your life.

Honey Calcite:
Honey Calcite teaches us about the right use of power. It encourages responsibility in leadership and can help with recovering from abusive situations. Honey Calcite increases feelings of self-worth, confidence, courage, and assists to overcome obstacles. It is helpful for learning of all types and developing skills.

Labradorite helps relieve anxiety and stress. It can aid in regulating your metabolism, balances hormones and relieves menstrual tension. Labradorite can help treats colds, lower blood pressure and aid in digestion. It is also good for creating a shield for auras and protecting against negativite energies of the world, as well as temper the negativity within ourselves.


Lapis Lazuli:Lapis
Lazuli is considered to be a protection stone from psychic attacks, bringing deep peace, harmony, reveals inner truth, honesty, compassion, self - awareness, and self - expression. Because of its healing powers, Lapis lazuli is often referred as being called The Wisdom Stone.

Larimar is said to enlighten and heal in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way. It stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation. It represents peace and clarity radiating healing and love energy. We recommended Larimar for people who are experiencing high stress levels.

Mahogany Obsidian:
Mahogany Obsidian is wonderful at providing both grounding and protection, it also encourages strength in time of need. It eliminates energetic blockages, relieves tension and helps to stimulate growth on all levels. When you want to reclaim your power Mahogany Obsidian is a great meditation tool for helping with re-connection.

Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. It opens the heart to unconditional love. Encourages risk-taking and change, breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaches how to take responsibility for one's actions, thoughts and feelings.


Obsidian is thought to be a strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension. It stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons.

It's a powerful protective stone that creates a shield against negative energy. Pyrite has a connection to the solar plexus chakra and is used to increase strength, energy, willpower, and confidence. It's also a wonderful abundance stone, encouraging wealth, prosperity, and success.

Rose Quartz:
Rose Quartz is known to be the healing crystal of unconditional love, a perfect crystal for nurturing friendships and relationships. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving energy. Rose Quartz is also known to inspire compassion, aid in a peaceful mindset and provide tranquility.

Selenite is said to be a powerful healing crystal that promotes peace and calm, mental clarity, and well-being. It's also believed by some that this crystal can remove negative energy and help you connect to higher realms. Selenite also naturally cleanses, charges, reactivates and amplifies crystals and gemstone jewellery placed upon it.

Tigers Eye:
Tigers Eye is a powerful stone that helps you to release fear and anxiety and aids harmony and balance. It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions.

Unakite a very grounding stone used to restore balance to the physical and emotional parts of our beings. It is said to bring balance to our emotions and our spiritual bodies. Unakite stone brings lightness to our beings and assists us in finding inner peace and calm.

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